Patricia Walbergs

*2002 in Mönchengladbach

CIVIC GmbH - Institute for International Education
Location: Düsseldorf
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855

  • Bachelor studies of social science (media, politics and society) at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf

Her main focus during her studies is on the topics: social inequality, intercultural communication, international politics and diversity.

From 2022 to mid-2023, she worked as a student assistant in the internship office at the institute of social sciences at Heinrich-Heine University.

Between 2017-2022, Patricia Walbergs got involved as a youth representative in an equestrian association, where she represented the interests of young people. Since 2022, she has been in charge of the north rhine-westphalia team as a representative and has been a member of the team for many years.

For the CIVIC Institute, she is an intern from August to mid-September 2023.

Language skills: German, English