Nediem Arem

* 1999 in Oberhausen
Цивик GmbH - Институт за меѓународна едукација Диселдорф
Седиште: Диселдорф
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855
- Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences (Media, Politics, Society) at the Heinrich-Heine University
Majors: empirical democracy studies, European politics, sociological theory, political sociology
From January to October 2017, Nediem Arem worked as an Arabic-German-English translator at the Protestant Youth Office in Oberhausen.
After graduating from high school, he spent time in Australia and New Zealand as part of a work & travel program.
Accompanying his studies between April 2018 and February 2020, Nediem Arem got involved as a producing artistic director at Theater-Oberhausen and led an intercultural youth club with which he jointly dealt with contemporary topics such as globalization, Europe and transculturality and brought them to the stage with the self-written plays "colored" and "Fühlen".
Between September 2021 and March 2022, he volunteered as a learning coordinator at the Dieter-Forte-Gesamtschule Düsseldorf for Chancenwerk e.V.
He was also a producing artistic director at Junges Schauspielhaus Bochum between October 2021 and April 2022.
Since 2020, he has been working at the Chair of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Heinrich Heine University as a student assistant and is responsible for research as well as publication work and correction.
From April to June 2021, he completed an internship at the CIVIC Institute. Since then, he has been working as a student assistant for the institute and successfully conducts analog as well as digital events of various formats.
Working languages: German, English, Arabic, French, Spanish