Leon Becher

* 1998 in Haan
CIVIC GmbH - Institute for International Education
Location: Düsseldorf
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855
- Master's degree in Political Communication at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- Studied Social Sciences (Media, Politics, Society) at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Accompanying his studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Leon Becher completed internships at the Rheinische Post (Mettmann, spring 2018), the CIVIC Institute (Düsseldorf, autumn 2019) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Düsseldorf, summer 2022). In autumn 2022, he was also significantly involved in the coordination of the 1st Youth Day for Europe in Düsseldorf as an honorary researcher. He is currently working at the Chair of Online Political Communication (HHU Düsseldorf) as a research assistant.
From autumn 2020 to late summer 2022, Leon Becher volunteered for the Düsseldorf Forum for Political Communication (DFPK). In the first year as a team member in the area of events, in the second year as a team leader in the area of project management/finances.
For the CIVIC Institute, Leon Becher has been working as a student tutor since January 2020 and regularly accompanies study trips to Brussels.
Main focus and interests:
- European integration
- EU Enlargement Policy
- Political education of young people
Languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian