Mary Ann Siara-Decker

* 1987 in Washington, D.C.
M.A. in International Communication

Цивик GmbH - Институт за меѓународна едукација Диселдорф
Седиште: Диселдорф
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855

  • B.S. in Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
  • MA, International Communication, School of International Service, The American University, Washington, D.C.
  • Certificate in Intercultural Communication, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Director of International Programmes/Senior Trainer and Coach at the dbb akademie e.V./dbb akademie GmbH (1990 – 2020):

Design and manage training programmes and research projects for Western and Eastern Europe. Key areas covered: public administration reform, human resources management, adult education, use of new technologies in education, ethics and integrity, anti-corruption, and continuing education in Germany

Design and organise study tours for high-level civil servants from China, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Ukraine and Vietnam to Germany on such topics as: anti-corruption, civil service training, human resources development, public administration reform, local public administration, leadership, women leadership, economic development, strategic management.

Project manager/project leader for training projects funded by the EU, e.g. DELTA, COMETT II, Leonardo, Learning Partnerships.

Project manager/senior trainer for numerous projects on civil service training, anti-corruption, ethics and integrity, human resource development in such countries as Kosovo, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Tanzania, Ukraine (Donors/programmes: Phare, Tacis, Twinning, EuropeAid, DFID, GIZ)

Design, organisation and management of large-scale international anti-corruption conferences (approx. 350 participants from the EU Member States and candidate countries)  in 2006, 2008 and 2010. (Co-funding by the Hercule I and Hercule II programmes managed by OLAF)

She is currently a free-lance trainer and coach.

Working languages: English, French, German and Spanish

Key training areas:

  • Clear writing in English
  • English for international business meetings
  • English for presentations
  • English for parliamentarians
  • Intercultural communication for public bodies
  • Ethics and integrity