Max Lucht

* 1999 in Düsseldorf
Цивик GmbH - Институт за меѓународна едукација Диселдорф
Седиште: Диселдорф
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855
- Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences (Media, Politics, Society) at the Heinrich-Heine University with the degree Bachelor of Arts
- Teachers degree in social sciences and German language and literature at the University of Duisburg-Essen
From 2015 to 2020, Max Lucht worked for the association Sportgeistern e.V. Düsseldorf. There he took on organizational tasks at an early stage and led various sports courses at schools.
His main areas of interest are especially the political education of young people as well as the European Union and its integration processes.
From October to mid-November 2020, Max Lucht completed an internship at the CIVIC Institute for International Education. Until the completion of his bachelor's degree, he worked as a student speaker for the institute and successfully conducted analog as well as digital events.
Since 2021, he has been working in the field of project development for the CIVIC Institute for International Education with a focus on simulation games and workshops on Europe and European politics.
Max Lucht is contact person and coordinator for simulation games and educational project in Germany and is always available for inquiries.