Willem Noë

*1958 Purmerend (NL)

MSc. in Economics

CIVIC GmbH - Institute for International Education 
Location: Düsseldorf
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855


  • Bachelor of Arts & Master of Science in Economics at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, with focus on macroeconomics and international economic relations, cum laude

Willem Noë started in 1986 as a research economist at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. In 1991 he moved to the European Commission where he worked in several Directorate-Generals (DGs), including External Relations; Enterprise; Economic and Financial Affairs; Communication; Enlargement; and the Secretary-General (Task Force RECOVER)

As senior economic policy officer he dealt with assessment of several pre-Accession countries in the framework of the Copenhagen criteria for EU Membership, including Slovenia, Cyprus, Iceland, Bosnia-Herzegovina and North Macedonia. Before that, he worked, inter alia, on economic analysis and policy implications of globalisation for the EU economy. He was also posted at the Commission Representation in Berlin where he followed economic developments and was active in communication on EU integration and -Enlargement for various audiences. As an EU Fellow at Pittsburgh University (US) he taught graduate courses on the history, economics & political economy of EU integration and - Enlargement.  He was a regular speaker at universities and seminars in- and outside the EU and for numerous visitor groups at the European Commission Visitor Service in Brussels.

His last posting was as economic counsellor/European Semester Officer at the Commission Representation in Ireland, liaison with the IE administration and other stakeholders in the context of the annual European Semester cycle and NewGenerationEU/Recovery and Resilience Fund application for Ireland.

After a Commission career of over 32 years for 7 DGs in 4 countries, he retired in November 2023 but actively continues to engage in presentations and discussions on EU themes, including for CIVIC.

Working languages:  German, English, French, Dutch

His main areas of work and interests include:

  • - European history, history, economics and political economy of EU integration and - Enlargement, Brexit;
  • - Role and dynamics of EU Institutes;
  • - EU Single Market, trade policy, economic and financial market development, Euro, European Semester cycle