Marian Hummel

* 1988 in Würzburg

CIVIC GmbH - Институт Международного Обучения 
Местоположение: Дюссельдорф
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855

  • Research fellow at the Chair of Political Education / Didactics of Social Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  • Guest lecturer at the Academy for Political Education Tutzing (simulation game series "EuropaPoltik erleben!")
  • Master of Arts in Social Sciences and Political Education at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Master thesis: "Participatory learning with online simulation games in political education"
  • Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences at the University of Würzburg with the thesis: "Civic competencies and their development in deliberative and civil society contexts"

After a vocational training as a craftsman, the Abitur and the bachelor’s degree, Mr. Marian Hummel works as a freelance political educator for different institutions of political education (e.g. Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg). In particular, he conducts simulation games, but also workshops and discussion events in this framework.

Among other things, he designed and coordinated the pilot project "Kommunale Bildungsangebote" in Unterfranken (2019) for the Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit, develops digital simulation game formats and methods, and is involved in the training of young trainers. In addition, he is involved in the network of simulation games of the state centers for political education. He is interested in social theories and (local) political education and participation. In doing so, he raises the question of how political education can train participation motivation and skills. In the context of his university activities, he is involved in the training of teachers and expert scientists and in the evaluation of civic education formats.