„Mission Europe". EU Accession Process Simulation

Holger Michael Arndt, Alexander Burka and Oksana Gnatenko

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Up until 2013 the European integration was a journey that produced continuing accessions of new member states. Since then many countries deepened their connections to the Europeon Union as well as their accession efforts. For many years the Balkans, especially after Croatia’s accession, presented the most promising candidates. These efforts have not ceased to this date, but with a rapidly changing geopolitical situation, new candidates joined the list: The Ukraine applied for EU membership on 28th february 2022, just 4 days after the start of the Russian aggression. Just four months later the Ukraine was granted candidate status – on the same day as Moldova and Georgia. What lies in the future for these new candidates? What’s up with the east – and what does this mean for candidates from the Balkans?

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