Marina Leshchenko

*1985 in Kaniv, Ukraine
PhD in International Economics

CIVIC GmbH - Instytutu Kształcenia Międzynarodowego
Siedziba: Cherkassy

Marina Leshchenko joined CIVIC team in autumn 2015.

Marina Leshchenko is lecturer of the International Economics and Business Department at the Cherkasy State Technological University.

Member of the International relations Department at the University, carrying out activities in the organization of academic and scientific cooperation with foreign educational institutions and research organizations, to assist students and staff of the University to participate in international programs.

PhD in International Economics, Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, "The integration strategy of TNC based on the holding structures development" in 2013.

2008-2010 - Lecturer, Department of International Economics at the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

She has a lot of experience in the project proposals development in the framework of TEMPUS (Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education) and Erazmus + ("Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurship and Employability in Georgia and the Ukraine", "Developing the Employability and Research Orientation through student-centered teaching and learning methods in Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan "," Project Actors Capacity Training Plus (PACT +) ").

Co-coordinator of academic mobility program K1 (Key Action 1- Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility) - Varna University of Management, International University College (Bulgaria)

She is author over 20 scientific articles about modern trends of the international economy development; participated in over 30 international scientific conferences; Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences (Ukraine); Member of the All-Ukrainian public organization " Ukrainian Association of International Economics".

Professional interests:

  • European integration
  • The integration of higher education systems in the EU
  • International Business
  • Intern ationalization and cooperation in joint training and research projects, accreditation of courses, exchange of students and teachers
  • Leadership and Change Management
  • International Education

Working languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English.