Dorothea Ullrich

*1999 Aschaffenburg

CIVIC GmbH - Institute for International Education
Location: Düsseldorf
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855

  • Bachelor studies of applied linguistics, as well as sociology and literary and cultural studies at the Technical University Dortmund

After graduating from high school in 2017, Dorothea Ullrich first went on to take part in a European Voluntary Service in the United Kingdom, where she became involved in various areas of social work. In the winter semester of 2018, she began her studies in Dortmund where she had the opportunity to gather further experiences abroad by completing an Erasmus semester at Uppsala Universitet in Sweden during the spring of 2021.

During her studies, she began to be active in the field of civic education. Since 2021, she has been accompanying study trips throughout Europe and leading workshops on European political issues. Furthermore, as a student support worker at the e.V. in Dortmund, she was significantly involved in the development and execution of a successful project on the topic of antisemitism and right-wing extremism in the context of conspiracy ideologies.

From July to August 2023, Dorothea Ullrich is completing an internship at the CIVIC Institute for International Education.

Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish