Lothar Herzog

* 1977 in Freiburg

CIVIC GmbH - Instytutu Kształcenia Międzynarodowego
Siedziba: Düsseldorf
0049 / (0)211 / 23 38 855

  • “Applied Cultural Studies“ in Hildesheim
  • “Film Studies” in San Francisco
  • “Film Directing” at the German Film & Television Academy (dffb) in Berlin

Lothar Herzog worked on theatre productions, produced video installations, and taught seminars and workshops. His first feature film ‘1986’ won many prices, was released in German movie theatres, on TV and streaming. Lothar Herzog lives in Berlin. Besides his work as a filmmaker he is teaching seminars and workshops about cultural and political topics on a regular basis and for the UNESCO, University Potsdam, Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development and other organizations. For the CIVIC Institute, Lothar Herzog is active as a lecturer, among other things on anti-racism topics.