Angela Niculitsa

*1969 in Chisinau, Moldova
PhD in Mathematics, Associate Professor

CIVIC GmbH - Institute for International Education
Location: Chisinau

  • PhD in Mathematics; Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics of MSU.

Angela Niculitsa is Vice –Rector for International Relations of the Moldova State University (MSU). Responsible for the internationalization of the university, developing relations with foreign universities, international institutions, embassies, as well as for the management of the international projects conducted within the university.

Participant of 10 TEMPUS and CBHE Erasmus + projects, including ‘Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education’ (2012-2015) and ‘Enhancing University Autonomy in Moldova’ (2012-2015).

Working Priorities:

  • Internationalization of Higher Education
  • Leadership and University Management
  • Institutional Autonomy in Research and Higher Education
  • Cooperation in capacity building of higher education and research projects
  • Integration into European Higher Educational and Research Area
  • Information Technology
  • Project Management

Working Languages: Romanian, Russian and English.