Fachartikel zur Korruptionsprävention in der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Arndt, Holger-Michael und Schwanke, Joachim (2014)

In: Politička misla No. 48, p. 111-122

Zu dieser Veröffentlichung gibt es Seminar-Veranstaltungen

To guarantee appropriate functioning of the public administration and to implement the goal of “good governance” at all levels as a central task, it is necessary to sustainably win the confidence of the citizens and all participating persons with regard to integrity of the processes.

The role of the managers to guarantee and organise this process and of course to act as an example is the crucial one.

The article will present some possible ways how a basic sensitization with limited financial effort can be achieved.

However, systematic prevention and combating corruption can only be successful if it is addressed directly to the people. Such a process should aim at the fact to achieve that such a form of the crime is condemned and the public informed accordingly. Public administration is very important within this process not only to support but also to initiate it.

Corruption can be successfully combated in the public administration, only if it will be possible to undertake credible efforts in this area with relevant support of the politicians. Each employee in the administration is challenged. It is not enough to wait until someone else starts.


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